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Mould - Tips to Prevent Mould (part 2)

Updated: May 21, 2023

In this blog we go into some more detail on protecting your home from the harmful effects of mould. The tips below do not have to be done on a weekly basis, some of them every 3 to 6 months but they will make a difference for you.

prevent mould
prevent mould

Cleaning your home room by room for best mould prevention

Whether you are starting with the bathroom or bedroom, there are some tasks you should do in every single room of your home, from dusting your ceiling to vacuuming the floors. With each step you take, thoroughly examine your home for possible signs of mould. If it is light-coloured, it is probably mildew, and only mildew can be treated with home products. If you are not sure if it is mould or mildew, let professionals test it for you!

Clean your walls and ceilings

As we’ve said many times before, mould loves moisture. It loves it so much that it will throw a party everywhere they find enough moisture and organic food. That being said, in order to prevent mould from invading your home, it is important to thoroughly check your walls and ceilings for any signs of leaks. Both high humidity level and condensation may increase your chances of having mould on your walls, so keeping control of these two components will keep control of mould.

Start by dusting and vacuuming all the surfaces in every room. Wipe the walls and get rid of any spider web you see. If you notice any leaks, find the cause and fix it immediately. While you are at it, carefully dust your light bulbs, chandeliers and any other light source you have in your room. Remember, there is no better organic food for mould than dust.

Clean your vents

One of the best ways to ensure your indoor air is clean is to keep your vents clean. It is very important to vacuum your vents with a strong vacuum cleaner (home versions are usually not suitable for this job). You will need a long hose to reach deep into the ducts. Mould and mildew can be found inside the air ducts; thus it is recommended that you clean them regularly to prevent mould from forming in those hidden places.

Since you need a powerful tool to clean the air ducts, you should consider hiring a professional to do the job properly to ensure your air is fresh and mould or mildew is treated properly.

Take care of your windows

Take down all drapes and curtains and wash them thoroughly. Make sure you dry them well before you hang them again. If the weather allows it, you can put them back while they are still wet and leave the windows wide open. This will make your entire room smell fresh, but again, you should be careful about the humidity level, as it can bring about mould.

Using warm water, damp cloth and mild dishwashing liquid, scru

b each window with a brush and rinse thoroughly. By doing this, you will remove any dirt and mildew from your windows. In case you see dark spots on your windows and suspect a mould problem, now is the perfect moment to call professionals to test if it is mould or not. Window condensation often causes mould to grow in your home.

Don’t forget to wash both the interior side of your windows as well as the exterior one and windowsills. The best way to prevent mould in your home is to keep your windows open as often as possible, as mould isn’t a fan of fresh air.

Vacuum the carpets and wipe the floors

Although carpets and rugs look beautiful, unfortunately, we often overlook the potential danger of mould growth on them. Since we can blame it on dirt and moisture, in order to prevent mould, all you have to do is clean the carpets and floors thoroughly at least once during spring cleaning.

The old rules mandate that you roll up the rugs, then vacuum and clean the floors in every single room. Move your furniture so that you can reach every corner of your room to ensure there are no dirty or mouldy places.

If you can, leave the carpets out of your home and invest in renewing your floors and making them look shiny again. If you have vinyl or linoleum floors, you can clean them with a floor polish designed for these surfaces. Most stone and tile floors can be easily treated with a special paste or liquid wax.

In case you have to keep your carpets, inspect them thoroughly and deep clean them before you bring them back in to ensure there is no mould on them. In addition, you need to dry them well because dirt is not the only food source for mould.

Take care of your furniture

Each piece of furniture you have in the room should be specially treated during spring cleaning even if it involves simple vacuuming or deep cleaning.

When you are moving everything to take care of your carpets and floors, keep your furniture out for a little bit longer. Check behind your furniture for mould, and if it is mould-free, clean it with a damp cloth, warm water and mild detergent. You can find special products that you can use for different types of furniture (e.g. wooden, textile, etc.). Before you put your furniture back, just make sure it is completely dry.

Declutter your space and clean the toys

If you have younger kids, you are probably constantly jumping over toys around the house. For your kids’ safety, this is the best time to clean all of them and throw away those that are broken or that haven’t been used in a while. You can wash the remaining toys in warm water and let them dry outside in the sun.

We tend to keep all those lovely decorations we usually never use. You should at least dust or wipe them, or just simply throw away the items you no longer need.

When it comes to decluttering, people tend to pile up stuff in one place (usually in the basement) and leave them like that. Not only do unused things block your space, but they also block the flow of air. To prevent mould from growing, throw away anything you don’t need and move everything else so that you have access to enough airflow.

Dust your bookshelf

If you love to read, you should be aware of dust on your bookshelves too. Remove each book, dust or vacuum them as well as the shelves they were sitting on. Thoroughly clean the shelf before putting the books back. In addition, you should check if your books are wet. If a small part of a book is wet, not only can this damage it, but it can also bring about mould.

If you collect newspapers or magazines, don’t forget that they also make a great food source for mould. Throw them away and swap your newspaper-buying habit for reading online. Not only will you strip mould of its food, but you will also make your home eco-friendlier.

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